Lingam's Lament

Lingam's Lament

I wrote this poem for the Alphabet of Men - the brain child of Miriam Hechtman, Bondi poet and writer who also created the Alphabet of Women and Poetica amongst many other things. 

26 men writing 26 poems  

This is the Letter L.

Lingam’s Lament

This poem is supposed to be
about men
legitimize these fractals
of momentary
breathes and
heaving chests
raging in ludicrous
lamentations but
We are on the brink and
whether we know it or not
He Man will not save us
from luciferious sentiments
with a magic sword
and schizophrenia
GI Joe will always be
an amalgam
of conquering priorities
locked and loaded
sitting over the fireplace
waiting to go off
all I keep flipping
is backsliding
towards incensed imaginations
preconceived notions
defining the definition of ourselves
one should never assign
the lacksidasical mistakes of the
human condition to the definition
of man or woman
a cock does not make you the sole arbiter
of lust
breasts don’t give you ownership over
who you love and how you choose to love
does not equate to worth
ignorance and love
are not gendered realities
These are traits
in the birth right of breath
Ours to choose...
Listen to that possibility!
That liberating moment!
This world of dualities
understood wholly!